December 25 is A’phabet Day

a'phabet dayToday is A’phabet Day, always observed on December 25th. It was created by Robert L. Birch and Puns Corps as a secular alternative for people who want to send cards to their friends during the holiday season.

Instead of a traditional Christmas card, they can send greetings using the “a’phabet” and leaving gaps where the “L” would appear. For this reason, the holiday is also known as No-L Day. Get it?

We don’t know when the holiday was first celebrated. We found references to Puns Corps as far back as April 16, 1981, when Birch gave a speech called “Wit and the Emancipators” that explored the capacity of humor and wordplay to persuade.

According to, Puns Corps has been in operation since 1999 and can be reached at these coordinates: 38.864921,-77.174267 (Falls Church, Virginia.) Sadly, Mr. Birch passed away in 2005, but his memory lives on in the many punny holidays he created.

Happ A’phabet Day!

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