
Love May Make the World Go ‘Round, But Laughter Keeps Us from Getting Dizzy Day

Today is Love May Make the World Go ‘Round, But Laughter Keeps Us from Getting Dizzy Day, the first day of a weeklong celebration lasting through Valentine’s Day. It is the brainchild of Joel Goodman, who in 1977 founded The Humor Project, the first organization in the world to focus full-time on the positive power of humor.

Goodman dedicated the week to Victor Borge, who said, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.” For those unfamiliar with the pianist/comedian, we’ve collected a few performances certain to make you smile.

Watch his short “piano duel,” then see him sing with Dean Martin to demonstrate his system of “phonetic punctuation.” Cap off your viewing session with his “one-man opera.”

For more Victor Borge, check out the many playlists on YouTube. For information about how to increase your Humor Quotient at work and home, visit As Joel Goodman says, “Seven days without laughter makes one weak.”

Try to laugh every day this week. Watch a comedy, read a humorous book and make time to talk with the people who tickle your funny bone. It could become a habit.

Have a happy Love May Make the World Go ‘Round, But Laughter Keeps Us from Getting Dizzy Day and Week, everybody!

Copyright © 2017 Worldwide Weird Holidays

January 16 is National Nothing Day

national nothing dayToday is National Nothing Day, created by journalist Harold Pullman Coffin and celebrated every year on January 16th since 1973.

Its purpose is “to provide Americans with one national day when they can just sit without celebrating, observing or honoring anything.”

In 1983, a law was passed declaring the third Monday of January to be Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Once every several years, the two holidays intersect, effectively nullifying Nothing Day—2012, 2017, 2024, 2034, etc. We think Coffin would appreciate the irony if he’d lived to see it. He died September 26, 1981, at the age of 76.

Feel free to honor or ignore this un-holiday any way you choose. You could take a nap, although we hope you’ll wait until you’ve finished reading this post. Lie back and (don’t) think of National Nothing Day!

Copyright © 2017 Worldwide Weird Holidays

December 15 is Cat Herders’ Day

Today is Cat Herders’ Day. Solving problems at work or home can feel as impossible as herding cats. (Anyone foolish enough to do that for a living has our permission to hide under the covers. The rest of us must soldier on.)

Let’s step back for a moment and find the humor in the challenges we face. They may not seem as hilarious as watching cowboys try to herd cats, but every place on earth has a secret vein of absurdity, just waiting to be mined.

Now, we’d better get back to work before the boss catches us watching cat videos.

Copyright 2016 Worldwide Weird Holidays

Tio de Nadal

Some homes hang stockings from the mantelpiece. Families in Catalonia, Spain, celebrate the run-up to Christmas by placing a Tió de Nadal in front of the fireplace. Although Tió de Nadal translates most wholesomely to “Christmas log,” it is better known by the name Caja Tió, which we’re going to refer to as “Poop Log” in order to avoid offending any delicate sensibilities. Feel free to fill in the appropriate four-letter word as needed.

Tio de Nadal

Originally a simple rough-hewn piece of wood, the tió’s appearance has been upgraded in recent years. Modern iterations stand on two or even four stick legs, have a smiling face painted on the upper end and often sport a red hat.

Beginning on December 8th to coincide with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, children must “feed” the tió bits of fruits, nuts and water, draping it in a blanket to keep it warm, in the hope that their care will awaken its spirit of generosity so it will poop out many gifts on Christmas Day.

The children’s kindness ends there. They must go into another room to pray for the poop log to deliver lots of goodies while the adults surreptitiously place gifts under the blanket. (We’re assuming the log doesn’t have magical powers.) Then the children reenter and beat on the log with sticks to make it defecate while they sing various versions of the Caga Tió song.

“Caga tió, caga torró,
avellanes i mató,
si no cagues bé
et daré un cop de bastó.
caga tió!”

S***, log, s*** nougats,
hazelnuts and mató cheese,
if you don’t s*** well,
I’ll hit you with a stick,
s*** log!

After each verse, a child reaches under the blanket and takes a gift. After opening it, the song begins again. The tió gives candies, nuts and dried fruits; larger items are believed to be delivered but the Three Wise Men. (Duh!) The log drops a herring, head of garlic or onion to indicate there is no more poop to be had. (That part may be magic. We’re not sure of logistics involved.) At that point, the beatings cease and the tió is thrown into the fire and burned.

You can’t make this s*** up.

Copyright 2016 Worldwide Weird Holidays

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