Do a Grouch a Favor Day

Today is Do a Grouch a Favor Day. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary gives this definition of grouch:

Noun /ˈgrau̇ch/: A habitually irritable or complaining person

Origin: probably alteration of grutch grudge; from Middle English grucche, grugge, from grucchen

First Known Use: circa 1895

Synonyms: bear, bellyacher, complainer, crab, crank, croaker, crosspatch, curmudgeon,fusser, griper, grouser, growler, grumbler, grump, murmurer, mutterer, sourpuss, whiner

It defines favor as a kind or helpful act that you do for someone. Today is the day to look around for a grouch. They’re everywhere; sometimes you’ll even find one in the mirror.

do a grouch a favor day

Now, do something nice for that grouch: give up your place in line, reach something down from a high shelf, hold a door open. Don’t expect to melt a grouch’s heart in one day. With any luck, you could start a thaw. The only way to guarantee results? Try doing it every day. But whatever you do, don’t explain why you’re doing a kindness and never, ever use the word grouch!

Have a happy Do a Grouch a Favor Day!

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